Lydia Ummel is one of my maternal great-great-great-grandmothers.
This obituary is one of the best I have ever seen. Not only does it tell me where she lived, it gives a death date, cause of death, madien name, birthplace, number of siblings, migration information, marriage information, and what church she attended. I wish all obituraries held so many clues!!
Geneseo Republic
Geneseo, Henry, Illinois
March 18, 1898
Page 4, Column 1
Mrs. Lydia Lawbaugh, widow of the late Wm Lawbaugh, died at her home, corner of Second and Stewart streets, at noon Tuesday, March 15th, 1898, of heart trouble from whjch [sic] she had been suffering for over 20 years. The maiden name of the deceased was Lydia Ummel. She was born in Juinata county, Pa., Aug. 21st, 1823, being one of a family of five children all but one of whom, as sister who resides at Spokane, Wash., are now dead. Deceased moved to West Salem, O., in 1832, and Nov. 22d, 1849, was married there to her late husband whose death occurred Feb. 17th, 1896. She leaves two children, Mrs. Miles, of this city, who has cared for her since Mr. Lawbaugh’s death, and William J., of southern Kansas. Deceased moved to Henry county in 1854, and in 1862 settled in this city, which has since been her home. She united with the Evangelical Association church fifty-seven years ago, and in her daily life was an exemplay [sic] christian. She leaves many warm friends, especially in her church circle, who sincerely mourn her death. Funeral service was conducted at her late home Thursday at 2 p.m. and her body was laid beside that of her husband.
Yes, what a wealth of information in this obituary! I need to find some 19th century Pittsburgh obituaries with this much information for my maternal grandmother’s family!