Last week my family took a second trip to Southern California this summer. Since we had visited my paternal grandfather’s grave on the last trip, I made a point to stop at my maternal grandfather’s grave this time around. Even though I have driven past the area many times, I had never been to the cemetery before.
I am so happy we took the time to stop and pay our respects. Not only did I get the chance to tell my children stories about their great-grandfather, I also took a picture to post to
When we arrived at my grandmother’s house and I told her we had visited Bill’s grave, the stories started. I learned my grandparents met when my grandpa was at X-Ray Technician school in Wichita, Kansas. One of her friends in the dorm, Dee Dee, was dating a man who worked for my grandfather. Dee Dee set them up.
The night of their first date my grandmother was very sick but decided to go out anyways. She walked to the lobby of the dorm to meet my grandfather for the very first time. When she saw him, her heart jumped into her throat. The next morning the school called my great-grandmother to the school because my grandmother was so sick. When my grandma woke up and saw her mother she said, “I met the man I am going to marry!” My great-grandmother thought it was just the illness talking but sure enough a year later my grandparents married. The rest is history!