In my last post, I told my story of how social media led me to some important documents for my Italian line. You can read about it here. The first document is the marriage record of my great-grandparents, Matteo Ciardonei and Adele Siletto.
Using a couple of different sources, I was able to piece together a rough translation:
Act of Marriage
Number 14
Ciardonei and Siletto
The year one thousand nine hundred thirteen the 23 of December of three publications made in the church of St. Stefano, presented to the parish priests
Marriage was celebrated according to the rites of the Church between
Ciardonei Matteo, twenty-four, native of Cossano, living in Cossano, son of the deceased Pietro, who was son of the deceased Matteo, and son of the deceased Ciamporcero Antonia, daughter of the deceased Stefano.
And Siletto Adele, twenty, native of Cossano, living in Cossano, daughter of the living Guiseppe, who was the son of the deceased Stefano, and daughter of the living Maglione Anastasia, daughter of the deceased Giacinto.
Present as witnesses: Maglione Giovanni, son of deceased Lorenzo and Arsalice Pietro, son of deceased Pietro
With the consent of the present
Signed by Matteo Ciardonei, Adele Siletto, Pietro Arsalice, Giovanni Maglione and Guiseppe C?rieu (priest)