An Italian Baptism

Adele Siletto is my paternal grandfather’s mother.  She was born in Cossano Canavese, Piedmont, Italy on January 10, 1893. This image was scanned from the FHL microfilm I have been researching ( Registri Ecclesiastici di Cossano Canavese (Torino), 1651-1899).

With the help of the book Italian Genealogical Records: How to Use Italian Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Other Records in the Family History Research by Trafford R. Cole, a rough translation is:
Certificate No. 1
Siletto Adele
The year of the lord one thousand eight hundred ninety two the twelfth of January was presented to the Church an infant born ten of January at ten pm, daughter of Siletto Guiseppe, son of living Stefano, native of Cossano, and daughter of Maglione Ana Stasia, daughter of deceased Giacinto, native of Cossano, of the family Siletto live in Cossano to whom the baptism was administered by ??? the delegated priest, and to whom was giving the name of Adele, the godfather being Avetta Pietro, son of deceased Stefano and the godmother Siletto Margarita, daughter of living Stefano. Represented by ? Pietro ??
The indication of the birth, with the request for baptism, was made by the underwritten father of the infant.
Signature of the person who requested baptism – Guiseppe Siletto
Signature of the parish priest – A. Banedetto
Written in the left column:
Joined in matrimony to Ciardonei Matteo 22 -12-13 (22 Dec 1913)
Last rites given 18-1x-1919 (18 January 1919)


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3 Replies to “An Italian Baptism”

  1. Hi.! I am Dario Avetta, from Argentine. I love the hunt to find out everything I can about my ancestors and their lives too… Maybe you can help me.! My Great Grandfather, Giovanni Avetta was Italian, relative of your Pietro Avetta. So, I need to see Registri Ecclesiastici di Cossano Canavese (Torino), 1651-1899. Can you send it to me, becouse cant see in the net?¡ Thank You..! and congratulations by your investigation..!

  2. Dario,
    In order to view the church records from Cossano Canavese, you need to visit The microfilm is part of their repository. Hopefully you have a Family History Center near where you live. You can check for the nearest FHC on the website. Good Luck!

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