Genealogy researchers all laugh at the memes about getting sucked into an online genealogy black hole. We can laugh because we have all done it. Some of my favorite memes come from the Twisted Twigs on Gnarled Branches blog. They are pretty on point and funny.
Tonight is shaping up to be one of those nights for me. The infamous genealogy black hole has sunk its claws into me. I was just going to check FamilySearch quickly to see if the church records from Cossano Canavese, Italy have been digitized. They have not but…. there are now civil records from the town available and they are digitized!!!
Who cares if they are in Italian?! I have done enough research to read some key words, the months, and count to 31 (handy number to match with the days of the month.) For everything else is Google Translate.
Who cares if they are not indexed?! They are browse-able and I have dates for most of my family after hours spent with the church records on microfilm. I jumped right in by finding my great-grandparents marriage record. They are on the right hand side of the page.

The only thing that has stopped me from working through as many birth, marriage, and death records as possible is my children. They demanded dinner tonight. The good news is they are now asleep in bed and I can go back to my wonderful black hole. I have to thank my kids though because dinner gave me time to create a plan of attack so no one gets missed.
Wishing you all a successful genealogy black hole of your own in 2017!